Become A Space Advocate Today
The United States scientific space program is at a major crossroads.
As part of the world’s largest space advocacy organization, it is time to take a stand together to help achieve a robust future in space … are you with us?
Without enough funding, NASA will be forced to delay or cancel more missions, undermining national goals and our global leadership in space.
With a new Presidential Administration and 72 new members of Congress, our advocacy experts are meeting with our senators, representatives, and their staff members to build support for keeping vital space missions going.
With you by our side, we’re calling for a restoration of space science funding so the U.S. can maintain a balanced program of missions and remain the global leader in space exploration.
Since The Planetary Society's founding 45 years ago, supporters like you have been powerful and effective advocates for NASA’s greatest missions. Now, more than ever, we need your help!
Make a gift today to support The Planetary Society’s space advocacy efforts and your gift will also be matched up to $75,000 thanks to a generous Planetary Society member.
Let’s remind our leaders that NASA has a responsibility to represent the values of the public it serves. Millions of passionate space enthusiasts — including you and me — can’t wait to discover what’s next out there!
Thank you!

Bill Nye
CEO, The Planetary Society